About the series
Launched in 2009, Current Legal Issues is a high profile series of seminars featuring leading national and international legal scholars, practitioners and members of the judiciary.
The series is a collaboration between The University of Queensland’s School of Law, the Bar Association of Queensland, and the Supreme Court Library Queensland. It seeks to bring together leading scholars, practitioners and members of the Judiciary in Queensland and from abroad, with a view to:
- providing a forum for the critical analysis and discussion of current legal issues
- bringing to bear upon those issues the different perspectives offered by leading academics, legal professionals and the Judiciary
- forging stronger links between academic and practising lawyers in Queensland.
Each seminar will comprise a Chair, Speaker, and Commentator. The Chair will introduce the Speaker and Commentator. A paper will then be presented by a leading practitioner or academic lawyer, and will be subject to a brief, expert commentary. There will then be an opportunity for members of the floor to ask questions and engage in further discussion. The paper and a short profile of each participant will be available in advance on this website to assist in facilitating full discussion.
Registration for these seminars is essential as numbers are restricted. To register online for the seminar, please go to the Queensland Bar Association CPD page . Members of the Queensland Bar Association will be required to log in. For further information regarding registration, please contact the CPD team at the Bar Association.
Ground Floor, Inns of Court, 107 North Quay, Brisbane Qld 4000
Email: cpd@qldbar.asn.au
Phone: 07 3238 5100
Fax: 07 3236 1180
The series has been accredited for CPD purposes by the Queensland Bar Association and the Queensland Law Society. Reciprocal recognition arrangement normally exists as between the Bar Associations of Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria. Participants will accrue 1.5 CPD points per seminar in the unallocated strand unless otherwise advised.
Time and venue
All seminars will take place between 5.15pm and 6.45pm (registration from 5pm) in the Banco Court, Supreme Court of Queensland, Queen Elizabeth II Courts of Law Complex, 415 George Street, Brisbane. Seminars will be followed by refreshments in the foyer.
If you have a general enquiry about the series, please contact:
Coordinator, Continuing Professional Development
Bar Association of Queensland
Email: cpd@qldbar.asn.au
Phone: 07 3238 5100