Research challenges and impact

Research themes

UQ connects people and capabilities across 5 research impact themes to develop solutions to major global challenges.  Find out about our contribution to research impact against these themes.

globe in speech bubble icon Transforming societies

A peaceful and inclusive future demands justice and equality for all.  UQ Law researchers are driving social change and informing policy agendas that support just and stable societies for future generations.

Funded projects


leaf in cog icon Building better bioeconomies

By building more environmentally sustainable, economically viable and community-supported biological production systems, UQ research is delivering bioeconomic impacts through interdisciplinary reserch and partnerships with industry, government and the community.

handshake icon with plantAchieving resilient environments and livelihoods

Combating ecosystem change is essential to secure our environment and promote inclusive and sustainable livelihoods. Through influencing law reform and development of policy, UQ legal research is building a more sustainable future.

Funded projects

router signal icon Designing technology for tomorrow

Secure systems and advanced manufacturing all require technology innovation. UQ legal experts are partnering with industry leaders to ensure legal, ethical and social implications are considered when designing technology solutions for tomorrow.

Funded projects

shield icon with health cross Leading healthy lives

Health and safety are fundamental rights. UQ law researchers are developing solutions to promote wellbeing for us all, at all ages across the globe.

Funded projects