The UQ Law, Science and Technology Program host a range of events that aim to bring together a diverse array of speakers to facilitate the analysis and synthesis of law, science and technology in a way that actively creates connections between the varieties of perspectives and concerns between law and the sciences.

Research Seminar Series

The Gestalt of Autonomous Systems

18 May 2018 3:00pm4:30pm
Presented by Professor Thomas Burri

Reimagining IP Law

26 April 2018 6:00pm8:00pm
Presenter: Ms Jocelyn Bosse, PhD student at the TC Beirne School of Law and a former Treasurer of ALPSA
Artificial intelligence

AI 101 Session

16 March 2018 12:00pm1:00pm
Artificial intelligence (AI) 101
CRISPR Gene Editing Technologies

CRISPR Gene Editing Technologies: The legal, ethical, and social implications Colloquium

18 September 2017 5:00pm7:00pm
Professor Jimmy Botella, School of Agriculture, the University of Queensland, Assistant Professor Ben Hurlbut, School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University, and Associate Professor Ainsley Newson, Centre for Values, Ethics and the Law in Medicine, University of Sydney
Forensic evidence

Evidence-based evidence: Measuring competence in forensic science

15 September 2017 12:00pm1:00pm
Associate Professor Jason Tangen, School of Psychology, The University of Queensland
Tobacco and the WTO

Tobacco and the WTO

29 August 2017 5:30pm8:00pm
The Australian Legal Philosophy Students' Association and the UQ Law, Science and Technology program are pleased to host the third seminar of 2017. We will be joined by Professor Mark Davison, who will discuss the nature of 'rights' under international trademark law.
UQ Law, Science and Technology

Heteromation and Other Stories of Computing and Capitalism

9 August 2017 12:00pm1:00pm
Professor Hamid Ekbia, School of Informatics and Computing, Indiana University Bloomington
Augmented reality

From Quantified Self to Quantified Other

5 June 2017 12:00pm1:00pm
Dr. Patrick C. Shih, Assistant Professor of Informatics, School of Informatics and Computing, Indiana University Bloomington.
Tea plantation

Digital India

28 April 2017 5:30pm6:30pm
Sunil Abraham, Executive Director of Centre of Internet and Society.
Big Data

Big Data and Algorithmic Control

27 April 2017 2:00pm5:00pm
Sunil Abraham, Executive Director of Centre of Internet and Society.

Software Patents

26 April 2017 2:00pm5:00pm
Sunil Abraham, Executive Director of Centre of Internet and Society.

Internet Governance

24 April 2017 2:00pm5:00pm
Sunil Abraham, Executive Director of Centre of Internet and Society.
Shadow information

Bringing Shadow Information Protection Practices into the Light

3 April 2017 12:00pm1:00pm
Professor Lizzie Coles-Kemp, Royal Holloway, University of London

The Faces and Masks of Anonymity

23 February 2017 12:00pm1:00pm
Associate Professor Kriss Ravetto-Biagioli.
