Professor Warren Swain from the University of Auckland explores how the lack of attention given to fiduciary liability during the emergence of legal literature in the nineteenth century is still being felt today.
Join Dr. Ryan Catterwell, barrister and expert in contract law, as he presents insights into the coherence of informal contract frameworks and their broader implications for contract law.
Queensland Community Foundation is delighted to present the 25th Annual WA Lee Equity Lecture in partnership with the TC Beirne School of Law at The University of Queensland.
Professor Suthersanen holds a Chair in Global Intellectual Property Law and was the Director of the Queen Mary Intellectual Property Research Institute until 2024
Rachel Wynberg and Sarah Laird presently co-direct a process of "rethinking" the relationship between conservation and equity, and the biodiversity-based economy, including access and benefit-sharing.
Recognizing the vital role that diversity has in our future on earth necessarily invites complexities into conversations about entanglements of “people, plants and the law.”