We have 45 Higher Degree by Research students. They include full-time, part-time, local and remote, domestic and international candidates. 45 are working on PhDs and 2 on MPhil theses.

Current students, their projects and advisors

Sruthi BalajiThe Repatriation of Plant Products: What Should be Repatriated and How?Professor Brad Sherman
Dr Alison Fish
Narelle BedfordInformality in State and Territory Combined Jurisdiction TribunalsProfessor Bradley Sherman
Associate Professor Rebecca Ananian-Welsh
Professor Rick Bigwood
Professor Anthony Cassimatis
Kieran BerryDisability within the judiciary: An analysis of the barriers for lawyers with visual disabilities to be appointed to the judicial branch of government in New Zealand and Australia. Professor Graeme Orr
Associate Professor Paul Harpur
Phoebe BurgessA labour market regulatory appProfessor Peter Billings
Dr Rose Stambe
Theodore Butcher-CornetThe Potential of Treaty Making in Transforming Indigenous-State Relations: Towards Indigenous Emancipation from the Australian Colonial Order?Dr Dylan Lino
Dr Elizabeth Strakosch
Goncagul Cengiz BarisSEPs in Biotechnology SpectrumProfessor Brad Sherman
David CosgraveLegal risk and its management in corporate and commercial transactions: Formulating a principle-based definition of legal riskProfessor John Swinson
A/Prof Francesca Bartlett
Lorraine FinlayThe universal franchise: the protection of voting rights under the Australian ConstitutionProfessor James Allan
Professor Nicholas Aroney
Rose FosterLegal challenges and opportunities for effective marine restoration in the Anthropocene

Associate Prof Justine Bell-James (Law School)
Associate Prof Pedro Fidelman (Centre for Policy Futures)
Dr Nicole Shumway (Centre for Policy Futures)

Laurel FoxRepresentative Democracy and Political Constitutionalism in Practice:  Opposition to Indigenous Representative Bodies in Australia

Professor Graeme Orr
Dr Rebecca Ananian-Welsh
Dr Dylan Lino

Zoran GelicThe Source, Nature and Limits of a Duty to Act Reasonably in Australian Contract LawProfessor Rick Bigwood
Dr Ryan Catterwell
Dennis GibsonHume’s Constitutionalism: History and Human Nature in the Constitutional Thought of David HumeProfessor James Allan
Dr Simon Kennedy
Zalay KayaniTechnology-Facilitated Sexual Violence and Victimization of Pakistani Women: An Analysis of Legal and Socio-Cultural Barriers in the Dispensation of Justice to Women

Dr Joseph Lelliott
Dr Jonah Rimer
Prof Heather Douglas 

Caroline Law-WalshA model national legal framework for mangrove ecosystem services: a comparative analysis of existing legal recognition of ecosystem services for wetlands in the United States and VietnamA/Prof Justine Bell-James
Emeritus Professor Jennifer Corrin
Darul Mahdi The Legality of Military Conduct in Domestic Security Operations in Indonesia: Counterinsurgency and Counterterrorism Case StudiesA/Prof Rebecca Ananian-Welsh
Prof Rain Liivoja
Dr Greta Nabbs-Keller
Jessica MearesHuman rights and COVID: What did we learn and where to from here?Associate Professor Dominic Allen
Professor Tamara Walsh
Tesfaye MekonenAfrican Union (AU) Approach to International Law: Divergent, Complementary or Rhetoric?Professor Anthony Cassimatis
Dr Eve Massingham
Simon MillerChildren as Facilitators of Migrant Smuggling: International Law and Domestic ContextsDr Joseph Lelliott
Prof Peter Billings
Matthew NewellAn Australian Approach to Conduct Regulation and the Supervision of Culture in BanksDr Vicky Comino
A/Prof David Morrison
Thi NongSustainable protection of fish biodiversity in the Mekong River: the role of international environmental law, and lessons from AustraliaA/Prof Justine Bell-James
Associate Professor Peter Billings
David O'BrienThe Law of Blind Trusts in AustraliaProfessor Patrick Parkinson
Dr Andrew Fell
Katherine RockDiversity, equality, and inclusion (DEI) in
innovation and patent inventorship in quantum
AsPr Allison Fish
Dr David Smerdon
Pekeri RuskaWeapons of Warriors: Strategies of Resistance in Exercising Quandamooka SovereigntyProfessor Aileen Moreton-Robinson
Dr Dylan Lino
Chris SauerUsing marks and designations to build and sustain local food and agricultureProfessor Brad Sherman
Dr Allison Fish
Professor Yasmina Sultanbawa
Anthony ShawMulticultural Co-living and Five Shared Values: A Comparative Analysis of Legal Protections for Multicultural Communities in Japan and Singapore.Professor Elizabeth Black
Associate Professor David Chapman 
Theresa-Marie ShawImmigration Detention & The Separation of
Powers: A First Principles Approach to
Improved Governance
Dr Rebecca Ananian-Welsh
Prof Peter Billings
Seema Soni Protection, access, and benefit sharing of Australian Indigenous Knowledge: Proposing a dynamic framework modelProf Brad Sherman
Dr Allison Fish
Alexander StewartEvolutionary Psychology perspectives on Privacy LawProfessor John Swinson
Professor William von Hippel
Royal SubburajManaging the Intangible Cultural Heritage of the Forest Dwelling Scheduled Tribes of IndiaDr Allison Fish
Dr Dylan Lino
Kenneth UgwuokpeThe place of charterparties in autonomous shippingProfessor Craig Forrest
Dr Alan Davidson
Dominic Va'AiPreventive Justice and Cyber-SurveillanceA/Prof Rebecca Ananian-Welsh
Dr Rebecca Wallis
Hongjun Yao Federalism and the Governance of China: Past, Present, and a Vision for the FutureProf Nicholas Aroney
Dr Enshen Li

Recently graduated HDR student projects


Project Title

Craig JensenInternational obligations and human rights in Australian Extradition
Liza Rolim-BaggioPolicy and Regulatory Dimensions of Resilience-Based Management in the Great Barrier Reef
Renato WolfReviewing legal and policy compliance of autonomous weapons systems
Luis Sanchez FernandezThe Legal Theory of Jeremy Waldron and the Limits of Legal Positivism
Helen GregorczukFair collection of personal information by retailers using big data analytics 
Sarah KendallNon-Fatal Strangulation Victim-Witnesses, Brain Injury and PTSD: Perspectives from Prosecutors and Defence Counsel
Joanne LeeNatural Law and the Calvinist Usury Doctrine: From Forbidden Sin to Natural Property Right
Unaisi Narawa-DaurewaIndigenous Identity in Fiji: Na Vanua, Na Lawa, Na Kawa Ni Bobula.
Laurensia AndriniAccommodating Computer-Generated Works into Indonesia Copyright Law: Challenges and Possibilities
Nicolas AugoustinosPrinciples of cultural heritage law and the international guardianship of the Greek Orthodox heritage
Renato Saeger Magalhães CostaThe Elements of Constitutionalism and the Pseudo-Constitution: Beyond the Ontological Classification of Constitutions
Mark FowlerChurch and state relations and the tax exemption and charitable endorsement of religious institutions in Australia
Terefe GebreyesusConstitutional Approach to Diversity: Comparative Analysis
Kencho PeldonControl of Cotton in Colonial India: Early Legal Regulation of Plant Intellectual Property
Sarah AsokendaranHarmonisation of unconventional gas resources (UGR) regulatory frameworks in Australia: is there a will or a way?
Rebecca BarberThe Competence of the UN General Assembly to Better Respond to Conflict-Related Human Rights and Humanitarian Crises
Victoria Baumfield

Locating the Public in Australian Public Enterprise: Reinforcing the Public Objectives and Public Accountability of Australian Government-Owned Businesses

Md Jahid Hossain Bhuiyan

Promoting and Protecting the Right to Religious Freedom of Religious Minorities in Bangladesh

Ana BorgesMigration and domestic violence: Women's experiences of proving domestic violence as a requirement for permanent residency
Jocelyn BosseThe Role of the Law in the Circulation of the Kakadu Plum (Terminalia ferdinandiana) 
Samuel BoyleCapacity and Treatment Refusal: How law does and should deal with the case of Anorexia Nervosa?
Yvonne Breitwieser-FariaThe responsibility of states to prevent atrocity crimes 
Tad BrownIntellectual property and Peanuts

Mirza Buana

State Courts, Traditional Dispute Resolution and Indigenous Peoples in South Kalimantan: A  Socio-Legal Study

Phoebe BurgessMoving Forward with Fairness: Just Transition, Decarbonisation and Australian Industrial Relations

Imogen Colvin

The Charging Decision: Accountability, Transparency, and Control of the Decision to Prosecute

Andrew CurtinUnderstanding Law as a Maclntyrean 'Practice'
Mark DengConstitutional Transformations: Failure and Opportunity in Post-Independence South Sudan. 
Andrew FellDeveloping a Descriptive Approach to Legal Taxonomy

Sonia Patricia Esteves Pais da Fonseca

Challenging the Efficacy of No-Drop Prosecution Policies in Domestic Violence Cases: A Comparative Legal Analysis

David Galbraith

An Historico-Legal Study of the Defamation Act, 1958 (NSW)

Rosemary GibsonExpress termination for breach clauses in commercial contracts: the legal nature and operational mechanics of such clauses under Australian Law

Ryan Haddrick

The Queen's Ministers of State for the Commonwealth: The Relationship between the Prerogatives of the Crown and the Executive Power of the Commonwealth

David Jefferson

Experimenting with the Governance of Plants as Intellectual Property: Limitations of Lawmaking and the Ecuadorian Experience

Jennifer JudeRegistration, recording and noting of native title in Australia

Henry Kha

The Reform of English Divorce Law: 1857-1937

Scott Kiel-ChisholmCivil Liability Challenges for the Law and Neural Interface Devices: Reconceptualising the Law
Katrina KlussTowards the Ideal in a Non-Ideal World: the case for assigning juridical personhood to nonhuman animals in Australia
Constance LeeCalvinist natural law and constitutionalism
Joseph LelliottSmuggling of unaccompanied minors
Hamish MacDonaldInventing DNA: Exploring the patent system's conceptualisation of novel genetic products

Paul Mae

Solomon Islands' Constitutional Dilemma: Local Participation, Customary Law and Traditional Institutions of Governance

Thi Kim Hue Mai

Securing Freedom of Information in Vietnamese Government and Law

Salwa MarshWe the People? Exploring Electoral Exceptions from the Perspective of Theories of Constituent Power

Eve Massingham

The obligation to respect and to ensure respect in all circumstances pursuant to Common Article 1 of the Four Geneva Conventions of August 1949 and Additional Protocols I and III: an Australian weapons law perspective

Rachel McDonaldA Critical Review and Analysis of the Human Right and Legal Entitlement of Australian Women to Breastfeed on their Return to Work: A Comparative Legal Study of Australia, United States and Ireland

Irna Nurhayati

The Implementation of the WTO Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures in Selected Southeast Asian Developing Countries: A Comparative Analysis and Evaluation

Anne PickeringA framework for property law reform and development within legal pluralism: Adopting an innovative approach

Benjamin Saunders

A Government for a Sovereign People: The Expectations and Intentions of the Framers of the Australian Constitution regarding Responsible Government

Anthony ShawThe Chrysanthemum Throne: The Influence of the Emperor and Nationalism on Gender Discrimination in Japanese Law
Shaun StarResolving Anti-Doping Disputes: Does the Current Framework Promote Procedural Fairness and Equality in India?

Emily Steel

The right choice? An interpretive policy analysis of assistive technology in Australian disability services

Peta Stephenson

Measuring the Metes and Bounds of Commonwealth Executive Power: Nationhood and Section 61 of the Constitution

John StoryWhich of the Duties of Directors are Fiduciary?
Brooke ThompsonNavigating dual legal systems: Islamic inheritance law in Australia’s secular legal  framework
Karma TsheringSelf-Represented Defendants in Criminal Trials: A Comparative Study between Australia and Bhutan

Ruth Walker

Child Death, Neglect & Criminal Responsibility: The (In)adequacy of the Law of Homicide in Australia in Cases of Child Fatality Resulting from Parental Neglect

Pan Mohamad Faiz Kusuma Wijaya

The Role of the Constitutional Court in Securing Constitutional Government in Indonesia

Garth Wooler

Lifting the Veil of Autonomy: Unconscionable Conduct as Grounds for Injunctive Relief in Australia and Singapore - A Study in the Context of Independent Trade Finance Instruments

Yan XuanChina's maritime arbitration system's 'Selective Adaption' to international legal norms and practice

Yu (Molly) Yao

Comparative analysis on legal conflicts from allocation of risks in the emission reduction purchase agreement (ERPA) reforming mechanism conducive to coexistence of interests in the conflict of laws

Behnaz Zarrabi

The Law of Exorcism: A Comparative Study of Religiously Motivated Homicide

Hui Zhong

Return of Chinese Cultural Relics taken from the First Opium War to the end of the Japanese Occupation (1840-1945)