• Next course: 10 August 2024 Saturday and Sunday (Weeks 3, 8 & 10), Semester 2, 2024
    Facilitator(s): Mr Paul Tracey
    UQ St Lucia and Online
  • This course will examine contemporary issues arising in the legal profession. Topics will vary from year to year, drawing on the innovative research of TC Beirne School of Law academic staff, as well as the expertise of visiting scholars and leading practitioners. Please refer to the Law School website for current topics. This course will examine contemporary professional issues in the law of evidence, civil liability, civil litigation, ethics, and administrative tribunals.
    UQ St Lucia and online
  • In this course students will be introduced to the general principles of international criminal law and the basics of international criminal procedure. In addition to discussing the general legal obligations to ensure respect for the laws of armed conflict/international humanitarian law, the course will include a practical focus on the legal frameworks for investigation and prosecution of both international and domestic atrocity crimes. It will commence with a general view of the legal sources of international criminal law, before focusing on specific international criminal law provisions. Students will complete an individual research project on a legal issue, that will form the basis of their final paper - which will be a submission for the prosecution or defence – of a fictitious ICC case. It offers students an opportunity to translate legal principles of international law into practice, and understand the challenges presented in enforcing international legal obligations, from both a theoretical and practical perspective. The course includes multiple guest lecturers with experience in the investigation and prosecution of international crimes domestically and internationally.
    UQ St Lucia
  • Practitioners commonly have a good working knowledge of the principles and rules which govern the conduct of civil litigation in Queensland and Federal courts. The challenge is to develop the further knowledge and skills which are required to use these principles and rules to best effect - whilst avoiding common pitfalls. The purpose of this course is to draw upon the experience of a wide range of leading practitioners to analyse: (a) the purpose and content of the key principles and rules governing civil procedure; and (b) the strategies and approaches which used in practice to apply these principles and rules to best effect, whilst avoiding common pitfalls. The focus of discussion will be on civil proceedings in the Supreme Court of Queensland. However, specific consideration will also be given to civil proceedings in the Federal Court, in QCAT and on the commercial list of the Supreme Court. The course will seek to examine the purpose and content of the key principles and rules, with a focus on current controversies and pitfalls and the practices currently adopted to develop appropriate strategies and approaches.
    UQ St Lucia and online
  • The international shipping industry is the life blood of the global economy responsible for the carriage of around 90% of world trade. This course examines the international regulation of ships from registration and flag state regulation to port state control and the enforcement of admiralty actions. These include a broad range of maritime legal issues, such as liabilities arising from incidents such as collisions at sea, salvage, wreck and marine pollution liability. All these areas of maritime law are covered by International Conventions, adopted for the most part through the International Maritime Organisation (IMO).
    Next course: 29 July 2024 Mondays, Semester 2, 2024
    Facilitator(s): Professor Craig Forrest
    UQ St Lucia an Online
  • This course is designed to deepen understanding of the foundations, organisation and purposes of the private law; as well to provide a more detailed analysis of the areas of tort law, contract law, commercial law and property law.
    UQ St Lucia
  • This course examines and seeks to develop students' knowledge and awareness of the law, technology, practice and regulation of International Trade Law. This course consists of advanced-level analysis, focusing on electronic commerce and the international sale of goods issues.
    UQ St Lucia
  • The course involves an advanced examination of the legal environment in which electronic business transactions take place, including transactions such as electronic data interchange, electronic banking, transnational electronic business transactions, electronic sale of goods and verification and other protective measures against electronic fraud.
    Next course: 19 August 2024 Mondays (Weeks 5-12) Semester 2, 2024
    Facilitator(s): Dr Alan Davidson
    UQ St Lucia
  • This course will critically discuss and analyse the nature and causes of conflict and various theories of dispute resolution to better equip legal practitioners and stakeholders in their roles as dispute resolvers and advisers. The course will examine dispute resolution processes used in civil, criminal and international contexts.
    Next course: 31 August 2024 4 Days - Saturdays and Sundays 9am-5pm, 31/80-1/9 and 21/9-22/9
    Facilitator(s): Dr Serge Loode
    UQ St Lucia
  • This course is an advanced level description and examination of the legal issues and associated social context raised by cultural heritage in Australia and internationally. The course seeks to develop students' knowledge of cultural heritage law, raise awareness of the role law plays in the protection of cultural heritage and develop an ability to solve complex legal problems associated with the protection of cultural heritage.
    Next course: 23 July 2024 Tuesdays, Semester 2, 2024
    Facilitator(s): Professor Craig Forrest
    UQ St Lucia and Online


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