Law School Events

This page lists events hosted by UQ Law or events hosted by organisations with which we have an affiliation. 

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Attending online events

We host and record our online events using Zoom.  If you are new to Zoom, please read our tips for how to set up and use Zoom.


Current Legal Issues Seminars

Current Legal Issues is a high-profile series of seminars on contemporary legal issues. Each seminar has been accredited for CPD purposes by the Queensland Bar Association and Queensland Law Society.

Crime and the Chinese Dream

Crime and the Chinese Dream Research Workshop

25 July 2017 4:30pm6:30pm
Dr Børge Bakken, Department of Social and Political Change, College of Asia and the Pacific, The Australian National University

Postgraduate Welcome Reception

18 July 2017 5:30pm7:00pm
New law postgraduate students are invited to join fellow students and the academic staff who teach our postgraduate courses at an informal gathering.
postgraduate advising session

Postgraduate Advising Session

17 July 2017 2:00pm3:30pm
Compulsory for all students enrolling in postgraduate coursework programs in the TC Beirne School of Law.
Law book

Leading cases of the common law—McKenzie v McKenzie [1971] P 33, presented by Ian Hanger AM QC

22 June 2017 5:15pm6:30pm
In McKenzie v McKenzie [1971] P 33, the English Court of Appeal unanimously affirmed the important principle that any person conducting proceedings in court is entitled to quiet assistance from a person of their choice. Mr Hanger will share his experiences of his role in McKenzie v McKenzie and discuss its subsequent influence on the modern practice allowing parties in a trial process the assistance of a ‘McKenzie friend’.
RHD milestone

The Application of Battered Woman’s Syndrome in Chinese Domestic Violence Cases

14 June 2017 12:30pm1:00pm
Quzisuan (Charlotte) Zhang, MPhil Candidate, TC Beirne School of Law

Privacy in the digital age – Is privacy a largely obsolete concept or a fundamental human right?

13 June 2017 6:00pm7:30pm
Join UQ Law academic Dr Mark Burdon with Associate Professor Nicolas Suzor and Dr Monique Mann as they discuss privacy in a digital age and attempt to answer the question: Is privacy a largely obsolete concept or a fundamental human right in the digital age?
Mabo: The Legacy

Mabo: The Legacy

9 June 2017 5:45pm8:00pm
A panel discussion on the legacy of Mabo
Augmented reality

From Quantified Self to Quantified Other

5 June 2017 12:00pm1:00pm
Dr. Patrick C. Shih, Assistant Professor of Informatics, School of Informatics and Computing, Indiana University Bloomington.
Women in Law

Women in Law 2017

31 May 2017 5:30pm7:30pm
This event is an opportunity for UQ School of Law women students, alumnae and friends to engage in an invigorating discussion about career development with a panel of successful women from the legal industry.
Research Seminar Series

Can Norms Die? Violation and International Law

19 May 2017 3:00pm4:00pm
Presenter: Associate Professor Sarah Percy
Tea plantation

Digital India

28 April 2017 5:30pm6:30pm
Sunil Abraham, Executive Director of Centre of Internet and Society.
Big Data

Big Data and Algorithmic Control

27 April 2017 2:00pm5:00pm
Sunil Abraham, Executive Director of Centre of Internet and Society.

Software Patents

26 April 2017 2:00pm5:00pm
Sunil Abraham, Executive Director of Centre of Internet and Society.

Internet Governance

24 April 2017 2:00pm5:00pm
Sunil Abraham, Executive Director of Centre of Internet and Society.
Current Constitutional Controversies

The Brexit Case: Three Competing Syllogisms

20 April 2017 5:30pm7:30pm
CHAIR: The Hon Justice Patrick Keane AC, High Court of Australia
SPEAKER: Professor Nicholas Aroney, TC Beirne School of Law, The University of Queensland
COMMENTATOR: Mr Peter Dunning QC S-G, Solicitor-General for Queensland
Pubic Lecture

Developments in International Law: Self-Defence Against Imminent Armed Attack

11 April 2017 6:00pm7:00pm
Guest Presenter: Attorney-General for Australia, Senator the Honourable George Brandis QC
Law RHD Milestone

Retail Analytics, Big Data Logics and Fair Collection under Australian Privacy Law

6 April 2017 12:30pm1:00pm
Presenter: Helen Gregorczuk, PhD Candidate, TC Beirne School of Law
Networking Mixer

Networking Mixer

5 April 2017 5:30pm7:30pm
Students are invited to attend a networking function to explore how particular jobs connect with your studies and the range of work available to law graduates.
Shadow information

Bringing Shadow Information Protection Practices into the Light

3 April 2017 12:00pm1:00pm
Professor Lizzie Coles-Kemp, Royal Holloway, University of London

ALPSA Corporate Governance Seminar

28 March 2017 6:00pm9:00pm
In this technological age, it has become almost impossible to "know it all" when it comes to the law. In the ever-changing landscape of evolving law in the twenty-first century, now, more than ever, practising lawyers must be equipped with the skills to understand the principles which underpin the laws they will analyse, apply, and advise upon.
