The TC Beirne School of Law celebrated the School’s outstanding research outputs and acknowledged excellence in research on Thursday 18th September during UQ Research Week.
On Thursday, 15 September 2016, Legal industry expert Margaret Jolly and UQ’s Dr Mark Burdon presented on using social media to maximise law employment opportunities.
Professor Graeme Orr has published an article in The Conversation explaining both why Australians should say "Yes" in the upcoming same-sex marriage plebiscite, and why this is an issue that should be decidided by a direct vote of the electorate.
From July to August, the Centre examined the availability of legal support services for families involved in coronial inquests in Queensland, in situations where a relative has suffered a workplace fatality.
The TC Beirne School of Law’s Marine and Shipping Law Unit convened and facilitated a workshop on the implementation of the Pacific Islands Regional Marine Spill Contingency Plan (PACPLAN) on behalf of, and in conjunction with, the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) on 1 and 2 September 2016.
Anorexic patients should be allowed to refuse treatment if they are assessed as having capacity to make that decision, according to University of Queensland Law PhD candidate who won a recent faculty-level competition to pitch his thesis topic in a three minute pitch.
On Monday, 12 September 2016, The Honourable Michael Kirby AC CMG delivered the lecture “After the High Court of Australia: the Growing Globalisation of Law” at the University of Queensland.
A $2 million donation from the University of Queensland Endowment Fund (UQef) will create opportunities for students from disadvantaged backgrounds to study at UQ’s prestigious TC Beirne School of Law.
On Wednesday evening, hosted by the Federal Court of Australia in Sydney and video-linked to courts in Melbourne, Perth and Brisbane, Adjunct Professor Holmes QC delivered the AMTAC Address on the topic "Maritime Arbitration - Old & New" on the occasion of the 10th Anniversary of the Australian Maritime and Transport Arbitration Commission (AMTAC).
The TC Beirne School of Law is enjoying a research renaissance, charting a 68 percent increase in research income according to deputy head Professor Simon Bronitt.
University of Queensland law students shared their knowledge with their Myanmar counterparts during a recent visit, in an effort to increase their understanding of access to justice.
A national, publicly-available resource for judicial officers dealing with cases involving domestic and family violence, developed by University of Queensland’s Professor Heather Douglas, was launched today.
Dr Lalotoa Mulitalo is visiting the UQ Law School on a 3 month sabbatical to complete a book on the consequences of legal pluralism for law reform in the South Pacific. This work is being conducted under the auspices of the Legitimus Project, funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, and the TC Beirne School of Law.
University of Queensland TC Beirne School of Law students - Suvradip Maitra, Priam Rangiah, Rubaina Sehgal and Hannah Whitton - batted above their weight to break third of the fifteen teams into the semi-finals of the QUT Torts Moot on 5 August.