• Pillars

    The Prospects for Reform of Investor-State Dispute Settlement

    17 October 2019 5:00pm6:45pm
    Speaker: Professor Chester Brown, University of Sydney
    Chair: The Honorable Justice James Douglas, Supreme Court of Queensland
    Commentator: Professor Anthony Cassimatis, UQ Law School
  • Pillars

    Criminal Law

    22 August 2019 5:00pm6:45pm
    Speaker: Professor David Hamer, University of Sydney
    Chair: The Honorable Justice Soraya Ryan, Supreme Court of Queensland
    Commentator: Benedict Power, Barrister- at-Law
  • Pillars

    Unjust Enrichment and Equity

    13 June 2019 5:00pm6:45pm
    Speaker: The Honorable Justice Julie Ward, Chief Judge in Equity, Supreme Court of New South Wales
    Chair: The Honorable Justice Catherine Holmes, Chief Justice of Queensland
    Commentator: Professor Kit Barker, UQ Law School
  • The course will seek to develop practical mediation, dispute resolution and conflict management skills. It will provide an analysis of the framework, principles and values of mediation and other associated methods of dispute resolution.
    Next course: 15 August 2024 4 days, 15-18 August 2024
    Facilitator(s): Ms Anne-Marie Rice
    UQ St Lucia
  • This course will provide an introduction to a number of important and topical issues in international law and comparative constitutional law, through the thematic lens of law in relation to constitutional transitions or regime change. This will include transitions following conflict, change of regime, or occupation. The course will include four key themes: jus ad bellum/jus post bellum; constitutional design in states undergoing fundamental change; international criminal law and transitional justice; and courts in transition/post-transition contexts.
    UQ St Lucia
  • The course will provide an overview of the system of public international law and the major international institutions and their role in dispute settlement, before considering various forms of dispute settlement in greater detail.
  • This course deals in depth with the process of international commercial arbitration, which is one of the major growth areas of legal practice and the most widely used dispute resolution method in international business.
    UQ St Lucia
  • n examination of the regulation of international trade by member states of the World Trade Organization, including trade in goods and services, investment, intellectual property and dispute settlement.
    UQ St Lucia
  • This course undertakes a detailed examination of relevant legislation and practice with respect to mining and natural resources law in Australia and internationally. The course seeks to develop students' ability to solve complex legal problems relevant to the resources industry.
    UQ St Lucia
  • Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) principles will enable students to discover and develop knowledge of the key concepts, drivers and context of ESG in the law and business. And it will inspire students to query existing paradigms, demonstrate creative solutions, and apply their acquired understanding to contemporary problems.
    Next course: 15 August 2024 4 days - Thursday - Sunday, 9am-5pm (15/8-18/8)
    Delivered online


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