The University of Queensland Law Journal

The University of Queensland Law Journal is published by The University of Queensland Law School. It is one of Australia's premier law periodicals. Established in 1948, it is arguably the oldest university law journal in Australia. The Journal aims to publish significant works of scholarship that make an original contribution to different fields of law. In addition to casenotes, book reviews and legal comments, the Journal also produces symposium editions dedicated to a particular aspect of law. It is published three times a year.

Read the Journal

The University of Queensland Law Journal is an open access journal. Articles from 2019 onwards are discoverable via AustLII or Google Scholar. Subscribe via email to receive a table of contents in your inbox when a new issue is published.  The Journal is also available in hard-copy by subscription.

Articles are reviewed and published as they are ready, ahead of the print edition.
The most recent print issue as a complete file and individual articles.
Recent issues until 2019. Articles prior to that can be found on AustLII.

Make a submission

The Journal accepts submissions on a rolling basis. Manuscripts should not ordinarily exceed 12,000 words (excluding footnotes) and must be an unpublished work not submitted for publication elsewhere.

Editorial team

Members of our editorial team: Mr Renato Costa and Dr Rebecca Ananian-Welsh (Dr Wenting Cheng and Dr Andrew Fell are not pictured)

Copyright notice

Copyright of articles published in The University of Queensland Law Journal is vested jointly in the Journal and the contributor.

Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of private study, research, criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth), no part may be reproduced without written permission. However, authors may upload their own work as part of a research thesis, without prior approval from the editors provided due acknowledgement is given to the UQLJ.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.