• EMC v MMH & Ors [2022] QCATA 139

    This matter concerned an application for leave to appeal and an application to stay a decision made by the Tribunal regarding EMC’s removal as an Enduring Power of Attorney for ECJ.
  • BLK [2022] QCAT 222

    This matter concerned an interim order application for the appointment of a guardian. The Tribunal noted that a successful interim application would frequently affect the adult’s rights under the Human Rights Act 2019 (Qld), such as their right to freedom of movement (section 19).
  • BJ [2022] QCAT 326

    This case concerned an application to the Tribunal, seeking authorisation to share information about former guardianship proceedings concerning BJ with the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability and a News Media company.
  • ADW [2021] QCAT 453

    This matter concerned an interim order application for the appointment of a guardian and an administrator. The Tribunal referred generally to the imperative under section 13(1) of the Human Rights Act 2019 (Qld) to not restrict rights and freedoms except where that is demonstrably justified.
  • WXL [2022] QCAT 383

    This matter concerned application for interim orders, seeking emergency appointment as administrator and guardian for WXL in circumstances where her sister (WXY) had nominated herself for those roles.
  • Wilson v State of Queensland (Queensland Police Service) [2022] QIRC 329

    This case concerned an application for review of the respondent’s decision directing the applicant, Ms Wilson, to attend an independent medical examination. The tribunal affirmed the respondent’s decision. There was no substantive discussion of human rights.
  • VSI v The Public Guardian & Ors [2023] QCATA 25

    This case concerned an appeal by VSI, the son of VR, of various decisions of the tribunal by different members on different dates: as at [2]. These decisions were made under relevant provisions of the Guardianship and Administration Act 2000 (Qld) and the Powers of Attorney Act 1998 (Qld).
  • TPO [2022] QCAT 232

    This matter concerned an application for an interim order for a guardian and administrator for TPO, brought by his daughter DTA, on the basis of alleged misconduct by WFA, TPO’s de facto partner and power of attorney.
  • TCN v Public Guardian & anor [2022] QCATA 158

    The case concerned an appeal of a decision which included an application for notices to produce documents where they may be relevant to capacity, subsequent to the making of an enduring power of attorney appointing the respondent as attorney for the application.
  • REN [2022] QCAT 313

    This case concerned a review of the appointment of the Public Guardian for REN where his daughter (RAD) and nephew (SR) nominated themselves as prospective guardians. In making an order that RAD and SR be appointed as guardians, Member McDonald acknowledged the limitations on REN’s human rights, concluding they were both reasonable and necessary.


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