
1400-1700 Registration

King's College

1600-1745 Welcome Event Canapés and Drinks

King's College

1745-1900 Presentations and Dinner

Chair: Katharine Gelber, The University of Queensland
Acknowledgement of Country
Aunty Valda Coolwell
UQ Welcome
Convenors' Welcome
Melanie O'Brien & Annie Pohlman; University of Queensland
President's Welcome
Andrew Woolford; University of Manitoba
Presentation of IAGS Award Winners and Sponsors & Scholarship Recipients
Presentation of New IAGS Boards

1900-2030 Keynote

Aboriginal Peoples' Hearings on Truth and Conciliation for Justice
Lilla Watson, The BlackCard

2030 Finish

0800-1700 Registration

Tower Foyer, Level 3, Forgan Smith

0830-1015 Keynote

Abel Smith Lecture Theatre
Chair: Simon Bronitt; University of Queensland

Conference Welcome

Genocide Studies and Prevention Presentation
JoAnn DiGeorgio-Lutz and Susan Braden, GSP Editorial Board

Holding Back the Tide? Human Protection and Genocide Prevention in our More Violent World
Alex Bellamy, University of Queensland

1015-1045 Morning Tea

Tower Foyer, Level 3, Forgan Smith

1045-1215 Session 1

Genocide Prevention I
W332, Level 3, Forgan Smith
Chair: Jess Gifkins; Leeds Beckett University

Exploring Resilience to Genocide
Deborah Mayersen, University of Wollongong

Genocide and Mass Atrocity Prevention: Overcoming the Gap Between Research and Practice
Ernesto Verdeja, University of Notre Dame

Causal Model of Genocide Prevention
Mark Kielsgard, City University of Hong Kong

Genocide in Their Best Interests
W349, Level 3, Forgan Smith
Chair: Kirril Shields; University of Queensland

Child Removal: Genocide with Good Intent?
Colin Tatz, Australian National University

Dispositions of Destruction: Genocidal Intent and Symbolic Violence in North American Indigenous Boarding/Residential Schools
Andrew Woolford, University of Manitoba

The Holocaust Across Europe
W431, Level 4, Forgan Smith
Chair: Donna-Lee Frieze; Deakin University

Defiance and Protest: Forgotten Jewish resistance in Nazi Germany
Wolf Gruner, University of Southern California, Los Angeles

Legal Theft of Property Rights: The Gradual Hellenization of Jewish-Owned Businesses, 1937-1943
Orly Meron, Bar-Ilan University

Civilian Participation in Anti-Jewish Violence within Romania’s Borderlands Post-July 1941
Mihai Poliec, Clark University

International Law and Transitional Justice
W426, Level 4, Forgan Smith
Chair: Olivera Simic; Griffith University

"Vertical Inconsistency” of International Sentencing: Case Study of Bosnia and Rwanda
Barbora Hola, VU University Amsterdam

Ending Impunity and Prevention of Atrocity Crimes: Does Transitional Justice Reduce Violence in Post-Conflict Societies?
Susanne Karstedt, School of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Griffith University

The Legal Status of the Shared Responsibility to Protect
Luke Glanville, Australian National University

Digital Art Installation
Moot Court W237, Level 2, Forgan Smith

Beyond Genocide: Silent Power Point Exhibition
Amy Fagin, Beyond Genocide Centre for Prevention

1215-1330 Lunch

Tower Foyer, Level 3, Forgan Smith

1230-1330 IAGS Business Meeting

E302, Level 3, Forgan Smith

1330-1500 Session 2

Genocide Prevention II
W332, Level 3, Forgan Smith
Chair: Deborah Mayersen; University of Wollongong

Climate Change and Mass Atrocity Prevention
Stephen McLoughlin, Liverpool Hope University
Pedram Rashidi, University of Queensland

Building Capacity for Responding to and Preventing Mass Atrocities in Indonesia: Challenges and Opportunities
Ririn Tri Nurhayati, University of Queensland

Genocide of Indigenous Peoples in Australia
W349, Level 3, Forgan Smith
Chair: Dirk Moses; University of Sydney

‘Just a little sacred site’: Memorialising Tasmanian Aboriginal Trauma at Wybalenna and Oyster Cove
Celeste Thorn, Deakin University

Sorry Seemed to be the Hardest Word: Public Opinion of the Apology to the Stolen Generations and its Effect on Transitional Justice
Eliott Hull, University of Amsterdam

Understanding and Recognition of Genocide
W431, Level 4, Forgan Smith
Chair: Ahmed Ziauddin; International Crimes Strategy Forum

Political Accountability over US Inaction on Genocide: A ‘Sold’ Game?
Eyal Mayroz, University of Sydney

Understanding ‘Genocide’: Contribution of the International Crimes Tribunals of Bangladesh
M Sanjeeb Hossain, University of Warwick

‘Genocide Recognition’ within the Framework of the UN: Meaning, Purpose, and Consequences
Rayhan Rashid, International Crimes Strategy Forum

Challenges Facing the ECCC
W426, Level 4, Forgan Smith
Chair: Rebecca Gidley; Australian National University

Forced Marriage, International Criminal Law and Genocide in Cambodia
Melanie O'Brien, University of Queensland

Gendering Mass Atrocity: The Progress and Challenges of Prosecuting Sexual and Gender-based Violence of the Khmer Rouge Era
Theresa de Langis, American University

The Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia: An Assessment
Gregory Stanton, George Mason University

Film Session A
Moot Court W237, Level 2, Forgan Smith

Night and Fog (Nuit et brouillard) (1955)
Director: Alain Resnais, 31 minutes

A Secret Genocide (2008)
Director: Alexandre Dereims, 53 minutes

1500-1530 Afternoon Tea

Tower Foyer, Level 3, Forgan Smith

1530-1700 Session 3

Genocide Prevention III
W332, Level 3, Forgan Smith
Chair: Tibi Galis; Auschwitz Institute for Peace and Reconciliation

The erga omnes Duty to Prevent Genocide: Naming and Shaming Past Situations to Prevent Future Acts of Genocide
Björn Schiffbauer, University of Cologne

Legislative Engagement for the Prevention of Genocide and other Atrocity Crimes: Understanding and Expanding the Legislative Role in Supporting Domestic and International Atrocity Prevention Policy
Jack Mayerhofer, Auschwitz Institute for Peace and Reconciliation

Religion and Genocide Prevention
Kate Temoney, Montclair State University

Sites of Indigenous Genocide
W349, Level 3, Forgan Smith
Chair: Andrew Woolford; University of Manitoba

State Crime, Settler Colonialism and Colonial Genocide
Michael Grewcock, University of New South Wales

Re-Tracing the Trail: The Ambivalent Embodiment of Genocidal Memory on the Trail of Tears National Historic Trail
Kerry Whigham, Center for the Study of Genocide and Human Rights, Rutgers University

Definitions of Genocide I
W431, Level 4, Forgan Smith
Chair: Robert Cribb; Australian National University

The Many Faces of Genocide – An Empirical Typology
Timothy Williams, Marburg University

Chomsky and Genocide
Adam Jones, University of British Colombia

Biopower and Genocide: The Limits of Biopower as an Explanatory Concept
Henry Theriault, Worcester State University

Prosecutorial Roadblocks in International Criminal Courts & Tribunals
W426, Level 4, Forgan Smith
Chair: Melanie O'Brien; University of Queensland

Victim-Perpetrators in Comparative Perspective
Kjell Anderson, Leiden University

Genocide and Superior Responsibility – Special Intent for Omission?
Michala Chadimova, Amsterdam University; Palacky University Olomouc

The Question of Perpetrator’s Reach and Control in Assessing the Substantiality Requirement: The Letter of the Law versus the Inherent Nature of Genocide
Onur Uraz, University of Southampton

Film Session B
Moot Court W237, Level 2, Forgan Smith

Introduction to the film by Rubina Peroomian

Enemy of the People, Armenians Look Back at the Stalin Terror (1988)
Director: Zareh Tjeknavorian, 60 minutes

1730-1930 Keynote

Abel Smith Lecture Theatre
Chair: Tim Dunne; University of Queensland
The International Criminal Court: An Essential Instrument to Render Justice
Gloria Atiba Davies, International Criminal Court

Followed by canapés

0730-0815 Emerging Scholars Breakfast Meeting

King's College
Chair: Timothy Williams, Marburg University

0830-1700 Registration

Tower Foyer, Level 3, Forgan Smith

0900-1030 Session 4

Genocide Prevention IV
W332, Level 3, Forgan Smith
Chair: Stephen McLoughlin; Liverpool Hope University

How to Implement Responsibility to Protect in Practice – an Assessment of the Global R2P Focal Point Initiative
Martin Mennecke, University of Southern Denmark

Genocide as Securitization: Constructing Threat and Identity in the Holocaust
Camilo Torres, University of Calgary

‘Cyber-Intervention’ as a Means for the Prevention and Mitigation of Genocide in the 21st Century?
Rhiannon Neilsen, University of New South Wales

Mass Atrocities in Burma/Myanmar
W349, Level 3, Forgan Smith
Chair: Sarah Teitt; University of Queensland

“There we are nothing, here we are nothing!” – The Enduring Effects of Rohingya Persecution in Burma on Their Lives in the Diaspora
Melanie O'Brien, University of Queensland
Gerhard Hoffstaedter, University of Queensland

ASEAN, Myanmar, and the Crisis in Rakhine: From Non-Interference to Non-Indifference?
Noel Morada, University of Queensland

Definitions of Genocide II
W431, Level 4, Forgan Smith
Chair: Peg LeVine; Monash University

The Contours of Justice: Guatemala and Genocide
Regina Paulose, Independent researcher

Discourses of De-Civilizing and De-Humanizing: The Case of Post-2011 Revolution Egypt
Liina Mustonen, European University Institute

ISIS and the Interaction between the Destruction of Cultural Property and Genocide
Jadranka Petrovic, Monash University

Victims and the ECCC
W426, Level 4, Forgan Smith
Chair: William Smith; Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia

Justice as Prevention? Minorities and the Dynamics of Identity Politics at the Khmer Rouge Trials
Christoph Sperfeldt, Australian National University

Past Present, Present Passed: Justice and Time Beyond the Khmer Rouge Regime
Caroline Bennett, Victoria University of Wellington

NGOs as Transitional Justice Actors: Qualitative Insights into the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia’s Victim Participation Scheme
James Nakis, La Trobe University

Digital Art Installation
Moot Court W237, Level 2, Forgan Smith

Beyond Genocide: Silent Power Point Exhibition
Amy Fagin, Beyond Genocide Centre for Prevention

1030-1100 Morning Tea

Tower Foyer, Level 3, Forgan Smith

1100-1230 Session 5

Creative Representations of Genocide Experiences
W332, Level 3, Forgan Smith
Chair: Donna-Lee Frieze; Deakin University

Journalisms of Post-Conflict: Commentary, Resistance and Memory in Owen Maseko’s Banned Zimbabwean Genocide Exhibition
Shepherd Mpofu, University of Johannesburg

‘My body; a war zone’: Documenting Stories on Wartime Sexual Violence in Bosnia and Nepal
Olivera Simic, Griffith University

Continuity of the Kurdish Genocide: An Artist’s Account
Osman Ahmed, University of Sulaimani

The Indonesian post-1965 genocide: reflections on the International People's tribunal on the 1965 crimes against humanity in Indonesia
W349, Level 3, Forgan Smith
Chair: Akihisa Matsuno; Osaka University

The Indonesian Killings of 1965 and the International People’s Tribunal
Saskia E. Wieringa, University of Amsterdam

IPT Findings on Genocide in Indonesia in 1965
Helen Jarvis, Independent scholar

Symbolic Violence During the Mass Killings of 1965-1966 in Indonesia and the Occupation of Timor Leste (1975–1999)
Annie Pohlman, University of Queensland

Definitions of Genocide III
W431, Level 4, Forgan Smith
Chair: Samantha A. Capicotto; Auschwitz Institute for Peace and Reconciliation

A Genocide Analysis of the August 1998 Massacre of Shia Hazaras by the Taliban in Mazar-e Sharif, Northern Afghanistan
Dallas Mazoori, Independent researcher

Investigating the Correlation between Genocide and Slavery
Ashley Greene, Keene State College

The Role of Historians at Trial
W426, Level 4, Forgan Smith
Chair: Deborah Mayersen; University of Wollongong

The Historian at Trial
Rebecca Gidley, Australian National University

A “Blueprint” for History? Prosecutors, Historians, and the Frankfurt Auschwitz Trial
Mathew Turner, Deakin University

Digital Art Installation
Moot Court W237, Level 2, Forgan Smith

Beyond Genocide: Silent Power Point Exhibition
Amy Fagin, Beyond Genocide Centre for Prevention

1230-1330 Lunch

Tower Foyer, Level 3, Forgan Smith

1330-1430 Keynote

Abel Smith Lecture Theatre
Chair: Annie Pohlman; University of Queensland
Reckoning with Histories of Acute Violence in Asia
Robert Cribb, Australian National University

1430-1600 Session 6

National Mechanisms for Atrocity Crimes Prevention
W332, Level 3, Forgan Smith
Chair: Susan Braden; Cardozo Law Institute

National Mechanisms for Atrocity Crimes Prevention
Samantha A. Capicotto, Auschwitz Institute for Peace and Reconciliation

The Tanzanian National Committee for Genocide Prevention
Miraji Magai, Tanzanian National Committee for the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity and All Forms of Discrimination

The Legal Reparations Program of Ecuador
José Luis Guerra Mayorga, Office of the Ombudsman of Ecuador

Peace, Justice and Atrocity Prevention in the African Great Lakes Region
W349, Level 3, Forgan Smith
Chair: Judith Herrmann; James Cook University

Peace Talks and Peace Agreements: Tools to Prevent or Trigger a Genocide and Mass Atrocities? Case of Burundi
Raphael Manirakiza, University of Sydney

Transitional Justice, Peacebuilding and Mass Atrocity Prevention in Burundi
Wendy Lambourne, University of Sydney

Violent Conflicts, Mass Atrocities and Attempts for Withdrawal from the ICC: Crises of Post-Coloniality or Failure of Peacebuilding Norms? The Case of Burundi and the Democratic Republic of Congo
Aime Saba, University of Sydney

Definitions of Genocide IV
W431, Level 4, Forgan Smith
Chair: Wolf Gruner; University of Southern California, Los Angeles

Genocide Studies and Its Discontents: Lessons from the Field of Peace Studies
Kristina Hook, University of Notre Dame

Genocide and Its Political Use: A Conceptual History
Renato Sabbagh Bahia, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro

Prevention Not Intervention: Social Justice and the Empowerment of the Grassroots
Asoo Mohammed Sofi Qader, Iraq High Criminal Court (ret.)
Irene Victoria Massimino, Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero

Justice Across Generational and Territorial Borders
W426, Level 4, Forgan Smith
Chair: Rachel Killean; Queen’s University Belfast

Justice for the Victims of Stalin’s Reign of Terror (The Armenians)
Rubina Peroomian, University of California, Los Angeles

Justice Delayed and the Second-Generation after Genocide: Young Cambodian Perspectives on Justice and Healing in Contemporary Experience.
Kenneth Finis, Macquarie University

A Refugee Truth Commission: Doing justice and creating accountability for genocide
Jennifer Balint, University of Melbourne

Film Session C
Moot Court W237, Level 2, Forgan Smith

Romper Stomper (1992)
Director: Geoffrey Wright, 89 minutes

1600-1630 Afternoon Tea

Tower Foyer, Level 3, Forgan Smith

1630-1800 Session 7

Critical Genocide Studies and Prevention: Complexity and Everyday Prevention
W332, Level 3, Forgan Smith
Chair: Ernesto Verdeja; University of Notre Dame

What is ‘Genocide Prevention’? The Case of Sudan and the Implications of Complexity
Louise Wise, Queen Mary University of London

Risky Times and Spaces: Settler Colonialism and the Everyday Ethics of Genocide Prevention through a Virtual Indian Residential School
Adam Muller, University of Manitoba
Andrew Woolford, University of Manitoba
Struan Sinclair, University of Manitoba

Genocide in the African Great Lakes Region
W349, Level 3, Forgan Smith
Chair: Stephanie Wolfe; Weber State University

1972 Hutu Genocide: Breaking the Silence in View to Preventing Further Genocide in Burundi
Peter Taratara, Burundian Survivors of the 1972 Hutu Genocide
Frederic Nzeyimana, Burundian Survivors of the 1972 Hutu Genocide

Intimacy in Silence: The Process of “Family” Reconfiguration in Southwestern Rwanda
Yukiko Kondo, Kyoto University

Film and Genocide I
W431, Level 4, Forgan Smith
Chair: Mark Drumbl; Transnational Law Institute, Washington and Lee University

Film and the Khmer Rouge Tribunal: Proof and Prevention
Emma Palmer, University of New South Wales
Sarah Williams, University of New South Wales

The Look of Silence, the 1965-66 Indonesian Genocide, and the Ethics of Atonement
Marguerite La Caze, University of Queensland

Curating Memories of Genocide
W426, Level 4, Forgan Smith
Chair: Matthew Turner; Deakin University

Voices from the Ashes: Survivor Testimony and the Possibility of Education Playing a Role in Genocide Prevention
Ari Lander, Sydney Jewish Museum

What’s in a Place? Revisiting Memorial Museums Located on Former Sites of Atrocities
Jessica Heidrich, University of Queensland

Film Session D
Moot Court W237, Level 2, Forgan Smith

Island of Lies (1991)
Director: Gillian Coote, 56 minutes

Road to Justice (2016)
Director: Ferry Putra, 23 minutes

1830-1930 Exhibition Opening

The Innes Room, Level 4, Union Building (#21A)

Drinks and canapés will be served.

Culture Under Attack - Opening of Photographic Exhibition
Hosted by the Australian Red Cross and Asia Pacific Centre for the Responsibility to Protect

0830-1700 Registration

Tower Foyer, Level 3, Forgan Smith

0900-1030 Session 8

Genocide Prevention V
W332, Level 3, Forgan Smith
Chair: Deborah Mayersen; University of Wollongong

Organising Governmental Structures for Atrocity Prevention
Tibi Galis, Auschwitz Institute for Peace and Reconciliation

Preventing Genocide: The Policy Value of Atrocity Forecasting with Quantitative Models
Sascha Nanlohy, University of Sydney
Benjamin Goldsmith, University of Sydney
Charles Butcher, Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Implementing the ‘Peace-Continuum’: An Assessment of the Emerging UN Reform Agenda
Cecilia Jacob, Australian National University

Genocide of the Yazidi
W349, Level 3, Forgan Smith
Chair: JoAnn DiGeorgio-Lutz; Texas A&M University at Galveston

Defying Genocide: Acts of Resistance by Armenian and Yazidi Women
Nikki Marczak, Australian Institute for Holocaust and Genocide Studies

Humanitarian Intervention at Mt. Sinjar, Iraq: A Complex Adaptive Systems Analysis
Trevor C. Jones, Lynx Global Intelligence

Film and Genocide II
W431, Level 4, Forgan Smith
Chair: Kirril Shields; University of Queensland

The Kapo on Film: Tragic Perpetrators and Imperfect Victims
Mark Drumbl, Transnational Law Institute, Washington and Lee University

The Polish and Their Shifting Representations in the Holocaust Genre
Theresa McMackin, Stockton University

Cambodian Genocide Case Study: Cambodian Association of Greater Philadelphia Oral History
W426, Level 4, Forgan Smith
Chair: Caroline Bennett; Victoria University of Wellington

Witness to Genocide - First-Generation Survivors
Brenda Gaydosh, West Chester University of Pennsylvania

Bearing Witness to Genocide: The "1½" Generation Story
Jenna Fagan, West Chester University of Pennsylvania

Growing up with Genocide: The 2nd Generation
Gabrielle Flamm, West Chester University of Pennsylvania

Digital Art Installation
Moot Court W237, Level 2, Forgan Smith

Beyond Genocide: Silent Power Point Exhibition
Amy Fagin, Beyond Genocide Centre for Prevention

1030-1100 Morning Tea

Tower Foyer, Level 3, Forgan Smith

1100-1230 Session 9

Implementing the Responsibility to Protect: Future Challenges
W332, Level 3, Forgan Smith
Chair: Alex Bellamy; University of Queensland

China, Syria and the Politics of Atrocities Prevention
Sarah Teitt, University of Queensland

Implementing Protections for Internally Displaced Persons: The Gulf between Legal and Physical Protection
Phil Orchard, University of Queensland

R2P in a Time of Trump
Alex Bellamy, University of Queensland

Cross-National Experiences of Genocide Memorialisation
W349, Level 3, Forgan Smith
Chair: Daniel Feierstein; Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero

Nunca Más? Gender and Genocide Memorialization in Guatemala
JoAnn DiGeorgio-Lutz, Texas A&M University at Galveston
Ella McIntire, Texas A&M University at Galveston

Human Rights and Genocide Prevention in Latin America
María Eugenia Carbone, Auschwitz Institute for Peace and Reconciliation; Latin American Network for Genocide and Mass Atrocity Prevention

Memory, Testimony, and Pedagogy in Genocide Museums and Related Sites of Conscience
Donna-Lee Frieze, Deakin University
Adam Muller, University of Manitoba
Steven Cooke, Deakin University

Japanese Atrocities in the Second World War
W431, Level 4, Forgan Smith
Chair: Robert Cribb; Australian National University

The Victimization of Okinawa: A Professor Involved in Structural Evil
Akio Kimura, Kitami Institute of Technology

Anti-Guerrilla Warfare and Genocidal Violence: Creating ‘uninhabitable zones’ in the Japanese Empire, 1937–1945
Kelly Maddox, Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation

Transitional Justice in Rwanda
W426, Level 4, Forgan Smith
Chair: Wendy Lambourne; University of Sydney

Memorializing Genocide within Rwanda
Stephanie Wolfe, Weber State University
Michael Ballif, Weber State University

“We are judges now”: The Elected Lay Jurists of Rwanda’s Gacaca Courts
Hollie Nyseth Brehm, The Ohio State University

“I wanted them to be punished or at least ask us for forgiveness": Justice Needs of Rwandan Survivors of Sexual-violence and their Experiences with Gacaca
Judith Herrmann, James Cook University

Digital Art Installation
Moot Court W237, Level 2, Forgan Smith

Beyond Genocide: Silent Power Point Exhibition
Amy Fagin, Beyond Genocide Centre for Prevention

1230-1330 Lunch

Tower Foyer, Level 3, Forgan Smith

1330-1430 Keynote

Abel Smith Lecture Theatre
Chair: Kirril Shields; University of Queensland
The Trouble with Genocide in Tasmania: A Review of Recent Debates
Lyndall Ryan, University of Newcastle

1430-1600 Session 10

The UN Security Council and Mass Atrocities
W332, Level 3, Forgan Smith
Chair: Phil Orchard; University of Queensland

R2P and the Last Resort Requirement
Maartje Weerdesteijn, Utrecht University

The Role of the UNSC in Preventing Genocide
Jess Gifkins, Leeds Beckett University

The Politicisation of the Genocide Label: A Discourse Analysis of Genocide Rhetoric by the United Nations Security Council Permanent Five
Michelle Ringrose, Queensland University of Technology

Memory and the Holocaust
W349, Level 3, Forgan Smith
Chair: Adam Muller; University of Manitoba

Memorialization as an Expression of Democracy
Karen Frostig, The Vienna Project

Through German Eyes: German Amateur Photos and Trans-Generational Renegotiations of the Holocaust
Kirril Shields, University of Queensland

Strangers in a Strange Land: Post-WWII Jewish Refugees and the Creation of a Community Holocaust Museum
Emily Sample, Holocaust Museum Houston

Culture and Genocide
W431, Level 4, Forgan Smith
Chair: Henry Theriault; Worcester State University

Erosion or Reclamation: The Ruins of Ani and Armenian Turkish Post-Genocide Reconciliation
Peter Balakian, Colgate University

Arabization as Genocide: The Case of the Disputed Territories in Iraq
Mohammed Ihsan, International University of Erbil

Genocide and the Destruction of Cultural Property: Exploring the Possibilities of Justice for the Cham
Rachel Killean, Queen’s University Belfast

Representations of Genocide
W426, Level 4, Forgan Smith
Chair: Lyndall Ryan; University of Newcastle

Echoes of Persecution: The Case of Indonesia, 1965-68
Christian Gerlach, University of Bern

Reading the Law of Genocide through the Lens of Literature
Clotilde Pégorier, University of Essex

The Representation of Genocide in the Years of Postmodernity
Theodoros Pelekanidis, Humboldt University, Berlin

Film Session E
Moot Court W237, Level 2, Forgan Smith

The Look of Silence (2014)
Director: Joshua Oppenheimer, 103 minutes

1600-1630 Afternoon Tea

Tower Foyer, Level 3, Forgan Smith

1630-1800 Session 11

Critical Genocide Studies and Prevention: Risks of the Genocide Concept
W332, Level 3, Forgan Smith
Chair: Donna-Lee Frieze; Deakin University

Critical Genocide Studies and the End of the Genocide Concept
Dirk Moses, University of Sydney

Human Rights? What a Good Idea! From Universal Jurisdiction to Preventive Criminology
Daniel Feierstein, Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero

Convention on Genocide Approaching 70
Ewelina Urszula Ochab, University of Kent

Genocide Memory in Archives, Records and Museums
W349, Level 3, Forgan Smith
Chair: Adam Jones; University of British Colombia

Three Museums of Suffering - Memory, Education and National Identity
Katarzyna Jarosz, International University of Logistics and Transport

Witnessing Argentina’s 40 Year Legacy of Truth, Justice and Memory: A Conversation
Amy Fagin, Beyond Genocide Centre for Prevention
Johann Peiris, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

Justice, Genocide Memory and Access to Records
Tricia Logan, Royal Holloway, University of London

Genocide Recognition and Denial
W431, Level 4, Forgan Smith
Chair: Rubina Peroomian; University of California, Los Angeles

The Presencing of Absence: Art as a Strategy for Overcoming Armenian Genocide Denial in Turkey Today
Armen Marsoobian, Southern Connecticut State University

The Recognition of Armenian Genocide by the German Bundestag
Ani Hambardzumyan, Yerevan State University

Apology as an Act of Denial: Diplomatic State Craft and Genocide in the Turkish Context
Tunç Aybak, Middlesex University

Genocidal Symbolic Violence I
W426, Level 4, Forgan Smith
Chair: Caroline Bennett; Victoria University of Wellington

Ritualcide as Priming to Genocide: The Case of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia
Peg LeVine, Monash University

The Body at the Centre of Genocide: Beheadings and Affective Responses to Horrific Crimes
Constance Duncombe, University of Queensland

Film Session F
Moot Court W237, Level 2, Forgan Smith

Naked Among Wolves (Nackt unter Wölfen) (1963)
Director: Frank Beyer, 119 minutes

1815-1850 Pizza Dinner

Pizza Caffe, Union Building

1900-2100 Film Screening: "Denial" (2016)

Schonell Theatre
Gold Coin Donation
Director: Mick Jackson, 109 minutes

Acclaimed writer and historian Deborah E. Lipstadt must battle for historical truth to prove the Holocaust actually occurred when David Irving, a renowned denier, sues her for libel.

Amy Fagin, Beyond Genocide Centre for Prevention

Discussion panel
Kirril Shields, University of Queensland
Ted Nannicelli, University of Queensland
Henry Theriault, Worcester State University

0830-0900 Registration

Tower Foyer, Level 3, Forgan Smith

0900-1015 Keynote

Abel Smith Lecture Theatre
Chair: Melanie O'Brien; University of Queensland
Justice for Genocide in Cambodia - The Case of the Prosecution at the ECCC
William Smith, Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia

1030-1100 Morning Tea

Tower Foyer, Level 3, Forgan Smith

1100-1230 Session 12

Issues of Justice and Impunity in the Armenian Genocide
W332, Level 3, Forgan Smith
Chair: Henry Theriault; Worcester State University

Justice: The Case of the Armenian Genocide
Tamar Ankeshian, Independent scholar
Richard Serop Aslanian, Independent scholar

Theories of Naturalisation and the Struggle for Recognition: Armenian-Americans and the American-Turkish Claims Commission
Juliet Davis, Queensland University of Technology

Impunity and Victimization of Ottoman Armenians as Supportive Condition for the Genocide
Suren Manukyan, Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute

Teaching Secondary and Tertiary Students about Genocide
W349, Level 3, Forgan Smith
Chair: Ashley Greene; Keene State College

Interweaving Histories: Genocide in the Australian Curriculum
Panayiotis Diamadis, Australian Institute for Holocaust and Genocide Studies; University of Technology, Sydney

“We have such a sad history”: Armenian Students’ Perceptions of Historical Events Affecting Cultural Identity
Doris Melkonian, University of California, Los Angeles

Teaching Genocide by Engaging Undergraduates in Research
Arda Melkonian, University of California, Los Angeles

Genocidal Symbolic Violence II
W431, Level 4, Forgan Smith
Chair: Lyndall Ryan; University of Newcastle

My body is no longer mine, but my soul will be mine forever': Women and Sexual Violence During the Indonesian Occupation of East Timor (1975-99)
Hannah Loney, University of Melbourne

The Language of Revolutionary Violence: Killing and Take Over in the Making of Modern Indonesia
Robbie Peters, University of Sydney

Nudity as a Vehicle of Symbolic Violence in the Nazi Camps
Bieke Van Camp, Université Paul-Valéry

Digital Art Installation
Moot Court W237, Level 2, Forgan Smith

Beyond Genocide: Silent Power Point Exhibition
Amy Fagin, Beyond Genocide Centre for Prevention

1230-1330 BBQ and Gelato Lunch

Alumni Court
BBQ at participants' own cost; BBQ run by the R2P Student Coalition.
Gelato complimentary.

1330-1500 Session 13

Genocide in the Ancient World: Iron Age Levant and Roman Empire
W332, Level 3, Forgan Smith
Chair: Robbie Peters; University of Sydney

Genocidal Texts and Interethnic Violence in the Iron Age Levant
Tracy Lemos, University of Western Ontario

Between Clemency and Genocide: The Representation of Mass-Violence in Praise of the Roman Emperors
Tristan Taylor, University of New England

Julius Caesar and Roman Laws of War
Jane Bellemore, University of Newcastle

Teaching the Genocide Experience in Different Contexts
W349, Level 3, Forgan Smith
Chair: Brenda Gaydosh; West Chester University of Pennsylvania

Prevention of Genocide and Mass Atrocities: Educating Future Military Planners
Michael Weaver, U.S. Army Command & General Staff College

Teaching Genocide Education in Tasmanian Schools
Jordana Schmidt, St James Catholic College

How Can Education Help Prevent Mass Atrocities?
Clara Ramírez Barat, Auschwitz Institute for Peace and Reconciliation

Film Session G
Moot Court W237, Level 2, Forgan Smith

Sweet Dreams (2012)
Director: Lisa Fruchtman and Rob Fruchtman, 84 minutes

Early Career Scholars Workshop: Career Development
E302, Level 3, Forgan Smith
Chair: Phil Orchard; University of Queensland

Introduction and Facilitated Discussion of Participants’ Current Research Projects

Publication Strategies
Adam Jones, University of British Colombia
Dirk Moses, University of Sydney
Melanie O'Brien, University of Queensland

Looking for Funding
Phil Orchard, University of Queensland

1500-1530 Afternoon Tea

Tower Foyer, Level 3, Forgan Smith

IAGS2017 Group photo on steps of Forgan Smith Building

1530-1700 Session 14

Film Session H
Moot Court W237, Level 2, Forgan Smith

Once My Mother (2014)
Director: Sophia Turkiewicz, 73 minutes

Early Career Scholars Workshop: Research Skills
E302, Level 3, Forgan Smith
Chair: Phil Orchard; University of Queensland

Research at the United Nations
Alex Bellamy, University of Queensland

Fieldwork in Dangerous and Sensitive Places
Annie Pohlman, University of Queensland
Stephanie Wolfe, Weber State University

Issues with Fieldwork Transcription
Caroline Bennett, Victoria University of Wellington
