• LHM [2022] QCAT 90

    This case arose under an application for the Public Guardian and the Public Trustee of Queensland to be appointed as Guardian and Administrator respectively for the adult. The Tribunal noted in its reasoning that the case was subject to the Human Rights Act 2019 (Qld), and that appointment of guardians and administrators impose limitations on human rights.
  • IHC [2021] QCAT 141

    This case concerned several applications by IHC’s sons SHM and BHJ to be appointed as Guardian, Administrator and Enduring power of attorney. Member Casey ordered that the Public Guardian be appointed as guardian for IHC regarding accommodation and healthcare, and the Public Trustee appointed as administrator for all financial matters. In doing so, Member Casey held that this was a reasonable limitation on IHC’s human rights.
  • GNR [2022] QCAT 430

    This case considered whether consent should be given for a 21 year old female with impaired capacity to undergo a sterilisation procedure. The Tribunal referred to the adult’s right to not be subjected to medical treatment without full, free and informed consent (section 17(c)) and their right to access health services without discrimination (section 37(1)) under the Human Rights Act 2019 (Qld).
  • GI [2023] QCAT 122

    This matter concerned a woman with an intellectual disability on behalf of whom consent was sought for a hysterectomy to mitigate an increased risk of cancer. In having regard to her right to recognition before the law, freedom of movement and privacy, and protection from inhuman or degrading treatment, the Tribunal found that limits were reasonable and justified in consenting to the hysterectomy.
  • FHV [2022] QCAT 312

    This case concerned a review of the appointment of the Public Trustee of Queensland pursuant to s 31 of the Guardianship and Administration Act 2000 (Qld).
  • DP [2021] QCAT 271

    The case concerned an application for an interim order for the appointment of the applicant as guardian and administrator for her mother, DP. The Human Rights Act 2019 (Qld) was mentioned in relation to the Tribunal being a public entity acting in an administrative capacity, and thus its obligation to make decisions in a way that is compatible with human rights.
  • Attorney-General for the State of Queensland v GLH [2021] QMHC 4

    This matter concerned an appeal by the Attorney-General against a decision of the Mental Health Review Tribunal to remove a condition from the respondent’s forensic order (community category) that prevented him from having unsupervised contact with children. In making its decision to confirm the decision and dismiss the appeal, the Court considered section 20 (right to protection of families and children) and section 28 (cultural rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples) of the Human Rights Act 2019 (Qld).
  • AS [2022] QCAT 148

    This matter concerned applications for the appointment of the Public Guardian as guardian for legal matters pertaining to AS and for a declaration of capacity about AS. In its reasons, the Tribunal considered AS’s rights to recognition as a person before the law entitled to equal protection without discrimination, freedom of movement and privacy under the Human Rights Act 2019 (Qld) and found that the limits imposed by the appointment of the Public Guardian as guardian for legal matters were ‘reasonable and justified in accordance with s 13’: at [10].
  • AM [2021] QCAT 394

    This case concerned a review of the appointment of RM as Guardian for AM for legal matters. AM’s mother, FK, applied for a review of this appointment.
  • CTR [2022] QCAT 368

    The Tribunal appointed the Public Guardian and the Public Trustee as guardian and administrator respectively for CTR, in circumstances where it was accepted that the limits imposed by this order were reasonable and demonstrably justified in accordance with s 13 of the Human Rights Act 2019 (Qld) on CTR’s right to privacy (section 25), freedom of movement (section 19) and property rights (section 24).


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