Law School Events

This page lists events hosted by UQ Law or events hosted by organisations with which we have an affiliation. 

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Attending online events

We host and record our online events using Zoom.  If you are new to Zoom, please read our tips for how to set up and use Zoom.


Current Legal Issues Seminars

Current Legal Issues is a high-profile series of seminars on contemporary legal issues. Each seminar has been accredited for CPD purposes by the Queensland Bar Association and Queensland Law Society.

An open book on a table in a library

National Indigenous representative bodies in Australia

23 July 2021 2:30pm3:30pm
An HDR milestone presentation by Laurel Fox
An open book on a table in a library

Chrysanthemum Throne: Emperor, nationalism and gender discrimination in Japan

23 July 2021 1:30pm2:30pm
An HDR milestone presentation by Anthony Shaw
An open book on a table in a library

Foundations of the Calvinian usury doctrine: Law, liberty and love

23 July 2021 12:00pm1:00pm
An HDR milestone presentation by Joanne Lee
An open book on a table in a library

Accommodation and integration mechanisms in Indian constitution

23 July 2021 11:00am12:00pm
An HDR milestone presentation by Terefe Gebreyesus
An open book on a table in a library

Church and state relations - Charitable status and tax exemptions

23 July 2021 10:00am11:00am
An HDR milestone presentation by Mark Fowler.
View of UQ Brisbane city with a plaque on the stone pillar and people inside socialising.

UQ Law School Research Showcase

7 July 2021 5:00pm6:00pm
Join us for a snapshot of the UQ Law research activities, with presentations and an opportunity to engage informally over refreshments.
open book on a table in a library

Policy and Regulatory Dimensions of Resilience-Based Management in the Great Barrier Reef

18 June 2021 10:00am11:30am
HDR milestone presentation by PhD Candidate Liza Rolim-Baggio
ornately carved top of sandstone column

Forensic Evidence in Criminal Proceedings

10 June 2021 5:00pm6:45pm
The Main Problems with Australian Responses to Forensic Science and Medical Evidence. Presented by Professor Gary Edmond (UNSW) with Saul Holt QC commenting and the Hon Justice Peter Applegarth AM chairing.

In the shadows of Parité: Gender politics, legal pluralism and the standing of Kanak women in New Caledonia

26 May 2021 1:00pm2:00pm
Presented by Dr Nicole George, UQ School of Politcal Science and International Studies
a witness box in a court room

Arthur (Artie) Abal, Impact Sourcing and Crowd Diversity at Appen

24 May 2021 12:00pm
Arthur (Artie) Abal (he/him) is a UQ Law graduate working at Appen, one of the world’s leading producers of data used for the development of machine learning and artificial intelligence.

Women in Law 2021

5 May 2021 5:30pm7:30pm
This event is an opportunity for UQ Law School students to network with each other and to seek advice from the panel about how to succesfully maintain a work-life balance as a female lawyer.
the witness box in a court of law

Keilin Anderson, Office of International Law

3 May 2021 12:00pm
Keilin Anderson works as a Lawyer with the Office of International Law within the Attorney-General’s Department.
open book in a law library.

Native Title compensation in Australia

9 April 2021 10:00am11:00am
Presented by HDR candidate William Isdale.
Open book on a table in a library.

Remedying the tragedy of ecosystem services in wetlands

30 March 2021 11:30am1:00pm
A comparative study of legal and policy mechanisms protecting wetland ecosystem services in Australia and the United States. Presented by Caroline Law-Walsh
open book in a Law library

Queer First Nations Women, Experiences of Discrimination and the Australian Law

30 March 2021 10:00am11:30am
Presented by HDR candidate Trudie Broderick
witness box in a courtroom

Jordan English, stipendiary lecturer in law at St Hilda's College, Oxford

29 March 2021 12:00pm
Jordan's college teaching currently comprises contract and trusts. He has also taught land law and tort law. On the BCL/MJur Jordan teaches Commercial Remedies and Restitution of Unjust Enrichment.
a witness box in a courtroom

Finian Cullity, Australian Government Solicitor

15 March 2021 12:00pm
Finian Cullity is a senior lawyer at the Australian Government Solicitor specialising in competition law and complex regulatory disputes.
open book in a library

Accommodating Computer-Generated Works into Indonesia’s Copyright Law: Challenges and Possibilities

16 February 2021 10:30am12:00pm
HDR Milestone Presentation by Laurensia Andrini
Advisors: Dr Allison Fish and Dr Xan Chacko
open book in a library

Reviewing legal and policy compliance of autonomous weapons systems

28 January 2021 1:00pm2:30pm
HDR Milestone Presentation by Renato Wolf
Advisors: Associate Professor Rain Liivoja and Dr Robert Mullins
open book in library

Indigenous Identity in Fiji: Na Vanua, Na Lawa, Na Kawa Ni Bobula

28 January 2021 11:00am12:30pm
HDR Milestone Presentation by Unaisi Narawa-Daurewa
Advisors: Professor Jennifer Corrin and Professor Reid Mortensen
open book in library

The recovery of stolen religious artefacts in the face of cultural heritage law’s commercial imperative - insights from the litigation experience of the Greek Orthodox Church.

28 January 2021 10:00am10:45am
HDR Milestone Presentation by Nicolas Augoustinos
Advisors: Professor Craig James Forrest and Dr Lucas Lixinski
